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This page needs to be rebuilt to bring it into sync with the rest of the site.

The information below (if any) is probably still valid, just not in the right place, unnecessarily duplicating information elsewhere on the site, or needs to be expanded, corrected, or something.

There probably is also further information, not currently visible that will be reviewed, finished, and revealed.

This page is about the term I (Fejj) use "world improver". In time maybe this will be adopted by the community or a better phrase will take it's place.

This term is my poor translation of the Dutch phrase "wereld verbeteraar". A term which I like, but I have a different understanding than most.

I might translate my rantings about that later, but for now, let me just try to define what I mean by the term.

World Improver.

A world improver is someone who is working on improving one (or more) very significant aspect, or resolving a problem, where ever it exists on earth. Further the world improvement is not only something very severe, as in an on-going problem (war, hunger, etc.), but is resolved permanently or for a very long period.

An expert world improver is someone who has put huge amounts of time (and money) into working on improving the world, primarily research and learning. Most significant is being aware of other efforts, networking, sharing information. This function is not about spending time and money on one particular effort, although that can be done additionally, as a separate thing.

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