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Better World main menu.

Helping people main menu.

Links to members and groups on this site sharing what they are doing :


Links to others sharing what they are doing :

(none yet)

For describing what you are doing, whether here on this site, or externally, here is a general overview on organizing the information.

Group the information in 3 larger groups -  future, current, past. Future is very optional, and is for what you are planning to do. Current is most important. Past is also valuable, and is mainly about things you have done previously, but are not continuing, and not planning on resuming in the near future. If resuming in the near future, probably best to leave in current, and just note the effort/action is paused. If planning on resuming in a what further future, mention that in future and put in past.

Link to a description, etc., of the problem/issue you are doing something about.

Information being shared should either be complete and brief, or a very brief summary and link to more complete information. Indicate/organize by how trying to be less a part of the problem, or working on a solution.

List information on :

For more direct action or inaction, describe that, progress/results so far, planned future changes, and the like.

Some examples would be :

Further, where appropriate, make action requests for others to do the same or something similar.

In all cases, openness and honesty are critical. Including failures, transgressions, why these, and plans to change to address these.

Valuable is to also be accepting suggestions on how to improve what you are doing, and what more you can do.

Also useful is share information about what others are doing, that you have found out about, and are not already included here on this site. Or best, is help them to participate with this site directly themselves.

Further, you can share what you are doing to other people, in person, and on the internet.

See also part of the problem, unhappy with the world, and information.

For each problem you are concerned about, tell what are you doing about it :

being less part of the problem
    activities not doing or stopped doing, that would otherwise be doing if not for being part of the problem
    products not purchasing
    brands not purchasing
    countries boycotting direct, no products/services from there
    countries boycotting indirect, businesses not supporting because they use products/services from there
    countries boycotting as above because they work with/support other countries boycotting

solving the problem
    publishing all your research, thoughts
    collaborating with others on improving current ideas/efforts/ generating new ones


This page needs to be rebuilt to bring it into sync with the rest of the site.

The information below (if any) is probably still valid, just not in the right place, unnecessarily duplicating information elsewhere on the site, or needs to be expanded, corrected, or something.

There probably is also further information, not currently visible that will be reviewed, finished, and revealed.

For each person or group of persons involved in improving the world, it is important to publish all important information, openly and freely.

Later this site will provide easy methods to input and publish the information. On this site, or on others.

For now, it is important just to get that information on the internet. For the purposes of this site, text works best, or video/audio with a text transcription.

Those involved in a number of things, make a list, possibly organized by priority, and explaining that priority. Additionally, interests in other areas can be listed.

Then break down each item, into separate documents if appropriate.

Information such as :

exact definition of the problem, or opportunity, to improve the world

description of the changed world when you are finished [if appropriate]

step for step plan (and also which step(s) are currently being worked on)

expectation or estimation of when completed [if appropriate]

where people can follow the progress, preferably at-a-glance

additional useful information can include :


if this is about truly improving the world, or just helping people

if this is about solving a problem (or problems) or reducing it (such as helping by being less of a part of the problem)

past estimates of, and actual time on steps already completed in the plan


These reasons are mostly about why share with www.fej.org, but also why you should share with everyone (put on the Internet).

- get help

- mistakes or possible problems with your plan, especially what you don't see, can be pointed out

   - weak points with your plan can be strengthened

   - assistance or financial support

- others can follow

- prevent that others on the same objective work separately, when it would be more effective to work together

Still to come...


A system to easily share information on www.fej.org.

Information about a system that your website can feed information directly to this website. (So progress can easily be seen here, or people that want to help have relevant, current information.) (See the topic fej.org.)

Methods to embed information gathered and/or entered here in other websites.

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